Hello! I’m Chauncey, in case you haven’t noticed the top. Nobody does these days. This is my first post(obviously?!) I think you’re wondering ‘What’s the point of a blog??’ or ‘What is a blog?’ or ‘Who’s this guy?’ or ‘Why the heck is he asking so many questions?’. Save the last one; I’ll answer the rest. If you don’t know what a blog is, it’s like an online diary. BLOG stands for WEB LOG. If you don’t know who I am, (which you probably don’t) I’m Chauncey, a kid typing the words you see now. I started this because I’m going to China and my father asked if I wanted to make a blog and I said yes. I think I’m getting a little boring here. Anyway, I’ll be updating with [not so] cool stories and comics I make and other things, so see ya tomorrow(I wonder how often I’m gonna say that) !